Compare Pet Insurance, Find the Best Pet Insurance & Read Reviews

Furbaby pet insurance is Australia's trusted guide for navigating the world of Pet Insurance in Australia. Our mission is to empower Australian pet owners with the knowledge they need to find not just any insurance, but the Best Pet Insurance for their furry family members. By meticulously comparing policies and reviewing pet insurance options available across Australia, we bring you comprehensive insights and the most competitive pet insurance deals.

Our Pet Insurance Reviews and provider pages take a out a lot of the hard work, so you can compare pet insurance in Australia much easier and faster. Plus We even have a quote service which gets a custom quotes for you and your pet.

Who are we?

Furbaby Pet Insurance

Founded by an Australian husband and wife team, who have pets and also non furry children. All our team are passionate pet lovers and a mission to demystify pet insurance.

We understand how confusing pet insurance can be and we aim to simplify the process, making it easier for fellow pet owners to navigate and choose the right coverage for their furry friends and their budget.

We provide transparent, objective and unbiased information to ensure you can mike the right educated decision when it comes to pet insurance. As a pet owner, you want to provide the best care for your furry friend. However, unexpected medical expenses can add up quickly, leaving you with a hefty bill to pay. That's where pet insurance comes in. By being able to compare different pet insurance policies, you can find the right coverage for your pet's needs and your financial needs.

By doing so, you can rest easy knowing that your pet is protected, and are aware of the coverage you have. 

Who are we?

Furbaby pet insurance

As a pet owner, you want to provide the best care for your furry friend. However, unexpected medical expenses can add up quickly, leaving you with a hefty bill to pay. That's where pet insurance comes in. By comparing different pet insurance policies, you can find the right coverage for your pet's needs and your budget. By doing so, you can rest easy knowing that your pet is protected, and you're not overspending on coverage you don't need.

Pet Insurance Providers in Australia

Pet Insurance Quote Services

We help you selecting best pet insurance as per your need by comparing services. We will do the research for you and get the quote from providers for you.

Five Quotes Ten Quotes 15 Quotes
Number of Quotes 5 10 15
Customised to your pets Yes Yes Yes
Up to 30 min call No No Yes
Choose your plan

Benefits of Pet Insurance in Australia

Money savings

Pet insurance serves as a financial safety net, enabling pet owners to get money back on unexpected vet bills. Pet Insurance can reimburse you up to 100% back. Not having Pet Insurance means you may not have access to the care or that you will pay 100% of the vet bill 100% of the time.

Quality care

Pet insurance helps you get  access to the necessary veterinary care by alleviating financial concerns. With coverage in place, pet owners can be more likely to seek prompt medical attention for their pets, ensuring that they receive the care they need without delay. 

Peace of mind

Pet insurance offers a valuable sense of peace of mind by providing a financial safety net for unexpected veterinary expenses. Knowing that you have coverage in place may help you to make decisions based on your pet's health rather than financial constraints.

Customisable coverage

Pet insurance becomes highly customisable when pet owners understand what they can adjust. There are various policy levers available, such as Annual limits, different excesses, and reimbursement percentages.  You can choose the Pet insurance plan that suits you financial needs.

Frequently asked questions about Pet Insurance

Still have a few things you'd like to clear up about pet insurance? We’re here to help!

  • What is pet insurance?

    Pet insurance is designed to help pet owners cover the cost of unexpected veterinary or hospital care for their pets. This can include treatments for accidents, illnesses, and, in some cases, somtimes routine check-ups. 

  • Do I really need pet insurance?

    The short answer is no one can tell you if you need pet insurance. Only you can make the decision for you and your pet.

    Pet insurance, just like any other type of insurance, is not for everyone.

    Pet insurance is there to mitigate the risk of not having help with unexpected vet bills, which can reach over $20,000. 

    It's important to factor in your own financial situation and potential circumstances with, and without cover for your furry family. 

    If you choose to get pet insurance that means that you may receive money back on vet bills. If you don't have pet insurance then that means that 100% of the bill will always be paid by you.

  • What does pet insurance cover?

    Most insurance products are made up of a variety of the three levels of coverage. 

    1. Accident Only coverage - covers injuries or accidents, like snake bites or car accidents

    2. Routine Care Coverage - some policies offer optional coverage for routine care, vet consultations fees, or de-sexing

    3. Comprehensive coverage - includes accident and illness coverage, addressing a wider range of health issues.

    It's important to understand what level of coverage your policy covers. You get what you pay for.

  • How much does pet insurance cost?

    The cost of pet insurance in Australia varies widely, depending on factors like the type of pet (dog or cat), breed, age, health conditions, and the level of coverage chosen. On average, policies can range from around $20 to over $100 per month. Basic coverage is generally cheaper, while comprehensive plans that cover more conditions and treatments are more expensive. Prices also differ between insurers and plans, so it's advisable for pet owners to compare quotes and policy features to find the best fit for their needs and budget. Keep in mind, prices may fluctuate over time and with changes in market conditions.

  • What is a pre-existing condition?

    A pre-existing condition, in the context of pet insurance, refers to any injury, illness, or health issue that your pet has before the start date of the insurance policy or during any waiting period. This includes conditions that:

    Have Already Been Diagnosed: Any condition for which your pet has already received a diagnosis from a veterinarian.

    Symptoms Present: Conditions where symptoms were apparent, even if there wasn't a formal diagnosis.

    Recurring Conditions: Chronic or recurring issues, such as allergies or ear infections, that existed prior to the policy start date.

    Most pet insurance policies exclude pre-existing conditions from coverage, meaning that any costs related to these conditions will not be reimbursed. This is a critical factor for pet owners to consider when choosing a policy, especially for older pets or those with known health issues. Some insurers might cover curable pre-existing conditions after a certain period without symptoms or treatment, but this varies between policies.

  • Are pre-existing conditions covered?

    Typically, pre-existing conditions are not covered by pet insurance policies. These are any health issues or conditions that your pet had before the insurance policy's start date or during the waiting period. 

    However, some insurers may cover curable pre-existing conditions if the pet has been symptom-free for a certain period, but this varies between policies. Chronic or incurable conditions are usually excluded permanently. 

    It's crucial for pet owners to carefully review policy terms and understand these exclusions when choosing insurance, especially for older pets or those with known health issues. Coverage details can significantly differ between insurance providers.

  • How do I file a claim?

    To file a pet insurance claim, gather your pet's itemised vet bills and medical records, complete the insurer's claim form, and submit these documents to the insurer, typically via email, online portal, phone, based on the insurer's process.

    We at Furbaby, know that when you have to file a claim, it's usually because something has happened to your pet. 

    Which is why we highly rate insurers who have a track record of great customer service, and products that aren't ridden with ways to make claiming difficult.

  • How long does it take to get reimbursed?

    Reimbursement time varies by insurer, typically ranging from a few days to several weeks after a claim is filed and all necessary documentation is provided.

  • Can I use any veterinarian with pet insurance?

    Yes, with most pet insurance policies, you can visit any licensed and registered veterinarian, (some even cover online vet bills). Those vet bills covered can include specialists and emergency animal hospitals, without restrictions based on network or location. But many have restrictions on coverage so you want to be sure you have understood the product.

  • What is the waiting period?

    The waiting period, aka 'the exclusion period'  is the time between the policy start date and when coverage begins. This period typically ranges from a few days for accidents to several weeks or months for illnesses and specific conditions. During this time, any incidents or illnesses that occur are not covered.

    Understand the likelihood of your pet developing specific conditions or illnesses under the waiting period, and check against the product disclosure statement (PDS) to see if there is a chance you aren't covered because of a waiting period.

  • Is there a limit on how much I can claim with pet insurance?

    Most insurance providers set annual claim limits. It's crucial to distinguish between the Total Policy Limit and the Sub-limit.

    Total Policy Limit: This is the uppermost amount an insurer reimburses in a policy term, typically a year. The limit varies per policy and insurer. Once it's reached, you can't claim more until renewal. For instance, with a $15,000 limit, if your vet bills are $17,000 in a year, the insurer covers only $15,000, leaving $2,000 for you to pay.

    Sublimit: This refers to the capped amount claimable for specific treatments or conditions within the overall policy. For example, in a policy with a $15,000 annual limit, a $2,500 dental sublimit means you can only claim up to $2,500 for dental work, even if the bill is $7,500, resulting in $5,000 paid by you.

    These limits differ among policies and insurers, and considering them is vital when selecting a plan that suits your pet's health needs and your financial situation.

  • How do I compare Pet Insurance products?

    To compare pet insurance products apple to apple, it's important to understand the key factors that differ from policy to policy. 

    1) Quality

    2) Price

    3) Coverage


    - Breed

    - Location

    - Benefit Limit

    - Benefit %

    - Excess amount


    - Customer Service

    - Customer reviews


    - Pre-existing conditions 

    - Exclusions

Why compare pet insurance options?

What to Look for in a Pet Insurance Policy?

With so many pet insurance providers out there, it can be challenging to know which one is right for you and your pet. That's why it's essential to compare your options and choose the provider that offers the best coverage to suit your needs.

Coverage for accidents

Prescription Medications & Operations

Coverage for illnesses

Chronic & hereditary conditions

Pet Insurance lets you get money back on vet bills

You can't watch your pet 24/7, so Pet Insurance can help you with unexpected bills if something happens that you can't protect them from.

There is one thing that we, pet lovers, always had in common – to see our pets grow healthy and happy. They are part of our family, so we have to give them the best possible care they could have.

But sometimes, unexpected things happen, because of course, they are pets. They will roam around, they will play, most of the time rough play, and they will tear and eat whatever is in their sight. Because they are family, once these circumstances arise, we have to give them the best possible vet care.

Imagine your dog got into an accident, you panicked, and you hurriedly ask your vet to do whatever it takes to save your dear friend. Though you trust your vet with a dog’s life, and you were thankful that they nursed your dog back to health, but you had a whopping bill of almost $3,000 or more. Of course, you understood how that bill came about, but you keep thinking that you could’ve avoided this had you only researched for pet insurances.

After that day, you would immediately research and get your dog pet insurance. It could be one of the best financial decisions you could’ve made. We should understand that our furry friends are playful and sometimes clumsy. They feel like they are invincible and will do everything they want out of curiosity. Plus, you would always worry about your pets, especially when you are travelling since some of them do not like going on long distances. It is a good thing that some pet insurance have overseas travel insurance.

Pet insurance coverage types

With so many pet insurance providers out there, it can be challenging to know which one is right for you and your pet. That's why it's essential to compare your options and choose the provider that offers the best coverage at the best price.


Accidental only
Pet insurance

This is the cheapest policy and includes treatment for specific injuries like a broken leg or accidents with cars. With Accidental Pet Insurance it's usually very limited but can suit certain budgets.


Accident, illness and more comprehensive Pet Insurance

More comprehensive Pet Insurance policies will cover accidents and illnesses. These policies can help you get back money on vet bills for things such as if you pet eats something is shouldn't or more chronic illnesses like diabetes and cancer.


Routine Care Pet Insurance and Wellness Plans

Pet Insurance for Routine care cover usually is not sole by itself. It's important to know about the limits with routine care cover and also that there are other options out there such a Pet Wellness plans which are not pet insurance but plans provided by a vet.

Pet Insurance Policy Terminology

Annual Benefit Limit:

The Annual Benefit is the maximum amount you can get back for all claims in a year. The amount paid to you is known as a benefit or reimbursement. Pet Insurance Policies in Australia are usually one year or 12 months. They will reset the Annual


A sub-limit acts as the maximum amount you can claim on an insurance policy per year to treat specific conditions. Sub-limits are typically imposed on common conditions or injuries and the amounts can differ between insurers. Sub Limit are different to your annual limit. You may have a policy with a $10,000 annual limit but if there is a Sublimit on a condition that is $1,000, then the most you can get back on that condition is $1,000.

While it may seem like a minor technicality in the PDS, sub-limits can significantly impact the amount to can get back. Be aware and be comfortable with sub limits.

Reimbursement Rate or Benefit Percentage

This is the percentage of how much your insurance company can reimburse your treatment costs. It usually ranges from 60% – 80%.

Excess or Copayment:

The pet insurance excess is the initial amount you personally pay before your insurance coverage kicks in for vet bills. It's essentially a shared cost arrangement, unless you opt for a $0 excess, between you and the insurance company. This amount must be met or paid in order to make a claim and start receiving a benefit.

In Australia, there are usually three types of pet insurance excesses: per claim, per condition, or per year (also known as annual excess).

Some pet insurance providers offer excesses ranging from $0 to over $1000. Generally, the higher the excess, the lower your premium, and conversely, the lower the excess, the more expensive the pet insurance premium.

Age limits and Entry Age limits:

An Age limit will be the age in which a Pet Insurance Provider no longer covers a pet. The entry age is usually the age that the pet can start being covered. So for example if a Pet Insurance Provider has an entry age limit of 12 weeks to 9 years then you can only purchase pet insurance after your pet turns 12 weeks and before they turn 9 years old. 

Some providers will have coverage for life as long as you start before the entry age limit. Some will end coverage if they don't offer coverage for life.

Waiting period/s & exclusion Periods

This is the number of days you have to wait from the time they approve your policy until you can make claims for certain items. For example, your pet insurance policy has a 30 day waiting period on illnesses. That means that you need to wait 30 days before you could submit a claim for illnesses. It's important to know how waiting periods and exclusion periods work in pet insurance because more often than not if something happens to your pet during a waiting period it will be considered a pre-existing condition. Unlike human health insurance when you can sit a waiting period for something that has happened and then make a claim.

Pre-existing conditions:

These are conditions that are already shown or diagnosed before you got coverage. If your pet had an illness before you had your pet insurance, any further treatment for that illness will not be covered by your insurance company.

It’s better to get pet insurance while your pet is still young and healthy to keep any exclusions of your policy short.

Swapping Pet Insurance providers can be hard, unlike in human health insurance swapping can be difficult as anything thing covered by another insurance provider will likely be a pre-existing condition with a new provider.

Pet insurance Basics

Before choosing a pet insurance policy, it's important to understand the different types of policies available in the market.


Do you need pet Insurance?

It's up to you whether you need pet insurance, but if you'd appreciate financial assistance with vet bills – which can be quite costly – then pet insurance may be worth considering.


Understand the important stuff

Understanding the terms of pet insurance, including coverage details, eligibility, and claim procedures, is crucial for both pet owners and your furry companion. If you don't know what you are buying it could not end well.


Find the right Pet Insurance Policy

Selecting the proper pet insurance policy becomes crucial once you have a clear understanding of how it operates. With numerous types and varying levels of coverage available, it's essential to consider the quality of the service provided by looking at reviews.


Don't rely on pet insurance

Depending on pet insurance is not good enough; it's essential to properly care for your pet, ensuring their safety and keeping up with vaccinations and annual checkups. While pet insurance can be helpful for big vet bills, preventing the vet expenses is even better.

The comprehensive guide

How to choose the best pet insurance?

When choosing pet insurance, it's important to consider various factors such as the coverage level, breed, age, and location of your pet. Adding spaying or neutering to your policy can increase the cost. It's crucial to be confident and satisfied with the chosen insurance company, as it affects your pet's health and your investment.

Consider your pet's age, breed, and health history when selecting a policy. Certain breeds are more prone to specific health conditions, and older pets are more likely to develop health issues. Pre-existing conditions may not be covered, but some policies offer coverage after a waiting period.

Finally, compare the coverage based on your pet's health condition and cost of different policies, looking for comprehensive coverage that includes accidents, illnesses, and hereditary conditions. So we've put together this comprehensive guide to help you choose the best pet insurance for your furry friend.

Read the policy documents carefully

Understand policy exclusions and limitations. Check for whats is covered and what is not. Consider the insurance provider's reputation for paying claims and customer service. Read reviews from other pet owners who used the same policy.

The insurance company's reputation & customer service

When choosing pet insurance, consider the reputation and customer service of the company. Is their customer service responsive and helpful? You don't want an insurance company that is difficult to reach or unresponsive to your needs. We have loads of Pet Insurance Reviews on our site.

Review the policy documents carefully

Understand coverage, limitations, deductibles, and co-payments. Check for exclusions like pre-existing, hereditary, or breed-specific conditions. Note age restrictions and claim limits. Ask insurance company for clarification. 

Consider add-on coverage options

Some pet insurance policies offer add-on coverage options for extra protection. These may include dental care, alternative therapies, or behavioral therapies. Consider your pet's needs and the potential benefits. Remember, these options may have additional costs.

Keep your pet insurance policy up to date

Keep pet insurance up to date. Pay premiums on time and notify of health or circumstance changes. Inform about new conditions promptly. Be aware of waiting periods or exclusions for new conditions. Stay proactive with pet's health changes.

Consider other ways to keep Your pet healthy

Pet insurance is important, but also prioritize other steps for pet health. Provide balanced diet, exercise, and regular vet check-ups. Proactive approach prevents illnesses and costly bills. Insurance helps with unexpected issues, but prevention is key.

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